Thursday, October 29, 2009

Print, Cursive, and Pictograms

An observation about myself: When I write grocery lists, notes on the chalkboard, take notes in a meeting or jot down quick details, I print my words. But when I write for fun – be it fiction or non – my script shifts into a cursive hand. Why is this?

I do not believe it was ever a conscious decision. I’ve been writing interchangeably like this since I can remember. Is this a difference in right and left brain? Am I subconsciously wishing for a century of ink that drips when you lift your quill? Does cursive bring out a more creative side of me? Am I just odd?

Then again, I’m typing this on the computer. Perhaps a cigar is just a cigar, and my handwriting just has its different purposes. Then again, perhaps, in some moods my handwriting breaks into pictograms. Maybe that’s why my husband and I rock at Pictionary.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps a separating of the types of writing you are doing - what you consider 'real' 'writing' and what you don't?
    Just a thought. ;)
